Tag: ctxclub

Bartering in the Modern Age
Have you ever swapped an unneeded wallet or handbag with a friend in return for, say, an attractive sweater? Have you tried offering to do a colleague’s extra workload in exchange for free lunch and dinner? If your answer is a big yes, then it simply means you have bartered.
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What is Trade?
CTX Club is based in Los Angeles. I’d like to introduce you to the concept of trading your business products and services with our club members. In its simplest terms, trade or barter is trading your products or services for something you need or want. Today, Trade works much like a credit card system. The big difference is instead of having to write a check at the end of the month, you can supply your goods or services in return. However, if you have downtime space for new customers or excess inventory and you’d like to save money on expenses. Watch the video below:
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